
T.1.1. Innovative TES Network facilitating acces of youngsters on the labour market

Innovative TES Network facilitating acces of youngsters on the labour market was focus on:

  1. MY TES – OPEN EDUCATIONAL ONLINE PLATFORM complex package of services , with the focus on: -facilitating the communication between Teacher-Employers-young people, and also to keep each of them involved in the project; -a new online course: Innovative entrepreneurship – educational materials regarding the latest technologies in computer science; – jobs and internships in the crossborder region. The participants have access to
    My TES platform, for training courses, and a job data base.
  2. TES PROGRAM consist in workshops for IT, for entrepreneurship and Management, for computer graphics and 3D printing and for programming of CNC machines, „a 5 day program“ with a target group of young people, teachers and employers from the SE and RO and
    counseling program.
  3. TRAINING OF TRAINERS. Romanian and serbian teachers participated in the training of trainers in the areas of IT, management and entrepreneurship

T.1.2. People experiencing better access to the labour market

During the TES PROGRAM there was organized theoretical sessions and practical session, counselling sessions, visit in companies and job shop for 127 youngsters (97 students from Serbia and 30 students from Romania):

  1. Workshops was organized in SE in the following fields:
    -CNC programing in period 28-29.02.2020 and 06-07.03.2020 (face-to-face) with 10 students from Vrsac and 5 from Timisoara, respectively face-to-face in Vrsac, and online with students and experts from UPT in period 09-10.10.2020
    and 16 -17.10.2020;
  • IT technologies in period 28-29.02.2020 and 06-07.03.2020 (face-to-face) with 10 students from Vrsac and 5 from Timisoara, respectively face-to-face in Vrsac, and online with students and experts from UPT in period 25-26.09.2020 and 02- 03.10.2020,
  • Entrepreneurship and Management in period 29- 30.09.2020 respectively in 06-07.10.2020 (face-to-face in Vrsac, and online with students and experts
    from UPT)
  • 3D printing and scanning face-to-face in Vrsac, and online with students and experts from UPT in period 25-26.09.2020 and 02- 03.10.2020, respectively in 09 -10.10.2020 and 16- 17.10.2020
  • Sessions „a 5 day program“ concerning practical activities organized both in RO and SE.
  • The 5 days program were organized by the Polytechnic University Timisoara as follows:
  • -CNC programing in period 27-31.07.2020 (face-to-face) with with students and experts from UPT
  • -IT technologies in period in period 27-31.07.2020, online, with students and experts from UPT
  • Entrepreneurship and Management in period 09- 13.11.2020, online, with students and
  • experts from UPT
  • 3D printing and scanning face-to-face in period 13.07.2020-17.07.2020 with with
  • students and experts from UPT.
  • Counselling program concerning counselling sessions organized both in RO and SE into the period: August-November 2020.
  • Visit in companies
  • Due to the pandemic COVID-19, in 28.10.2020 was made a virtual visit in Continental company
  • Job shop
  • Into the period 28-29 October 2020 Polytechnic University Timisoara organized a career days (job shop).
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